Concussion Management Plan

At Rockhurst, we want to do everything we can to provide care to those who might have suffered head trauma either during the school day, participating in athletics or on a school trip/retreat, etc. We have worked with several local experts in the field and come up with the following program.

All freshmen (regardless of whether they participate in athletics) and juniors who are in a sport will take a ImPACT Baseline test in order to have data of a healthy-functioning brain. Medical experts will use this Baseline as a comparison in a Post-Injury test to see if all the brain function has returned to normal.

We require each freshman and junior to do his baseline ImPACT test at home on an iPad or Computer. 

If your son participates in athletics:
We have coaches trained in recognizing signs if a head trauma has occurred. If they see these signs, they refer the student-athlete to our athletic trainer who will then inform the parents and student-athlete that we want them to get evaluated by a qualified physician. We also have doctors on the sidelines for varsity football games to do those evaluations at that time.

Outside of athletics, if your son feels he has experience head trauma:
He should report to our school nurse who can then check symptoms and if necessary recommend he go to a doctor to be evaluated for a concussion.

For both scenarios if your son is concussed the doctor might request that some academic accommodations be provided. Those accommodations should be provided on the clearance form in the packet and submitted to the Guidance Counselor so that teachers can be informed properly. Parents should also inform the Dean’s Office if he needs to miss school due to the concussion.

For Rockhurst Concussion Protocol Packet click HERE.

Once there are no symptoms, the doctor can request that Return to Play protocol can begin. This is often the time that any academic accommodations are lifted and the doctor, once again, should complete that part on the form and sent over to the Guidance Counselor to inform teachers.  

For the Return to Play protocol, our athletic trainer can take the young man through some physical exertion pieces. If he successfully completes this portion of the protocol, an ImPACT Post-Injury test is to be completed and those results will be sent, along with the Baseline to the physician overseeing his care. If the doctor clears him as fully healthy, a signed and completed form should be turned in to the Athletic Director.

There is no timetable for a concussed individual to be fully cleared. The brain heals at its own speed. The severity of the head trauma and the individual’s own health play significant factors.

Rockhurst provides ImPACT testing at no additional cost and Return to Play protocol with our trainer at no cost. Expenses incurred from working with any doctor are the responsibility of the family and through their insurance carriers.

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